Staying cheerful do not only show your behavior and attitude it also present your positive personality too. According to doctors while smiling or laughing the most of the muscles from your face and other part of the body get active which help your body to stay healthy. In the present busy lifestyle of the people they do not have enough time where they can take some time for themselves, have fun time with their friends an laugh ion the stuffs that happened in the past. Probably due to this reason people now as days are getting involve in yoga nowadays and take some of their time out for it from their busy life schedule. They have been involving on laughing therapy and can be seen laughing as much as they can. At last here are some of the benefits of laughing or smiling: 1. When you laugh the chemical named endorphin get secreted in the body which reduce the tension and stress. This chemical also get secrete when your exercise or run. L
aughing also helps in the exercise of facial muscles and it also make brain fresh and active. 2. Laughing or smiling boost up the immune system of the body. Because from this the white blood cells are built in more amount and also secrete different types of hormone. 3. While laughing the body take enough amount of oxygen in. Enough oxygen is essential for lungs, muscles and cells of the body. 4. Laughing represent the positive character. There is big meaning hidden behind the smile and laugh of the people either that may be during the interview for job or in the marriage. Because it reflect the attitude and self confidence of positive personality. It also make the relationships of the people bright and strong enough. 5. Laughing also prevent from anemia. As mentioned above enough oxygen get inside the bodoy while laughing sue to which do not let the level of hemoglobin get low in the blood. 6. Smiling means a lot in expressing undermined sentiment of the people. Sometimes the hidden feeling gets out when you laugh openly. Sometime the hard work also get solved easily when you do it with smile and laugh. 7. Laughing or smiling do not only make your health good but also make effect on the health of other person. The angry perso
n no matter how much he is angry, get the anger out of him when he interact with cheerful person.
aughing also helps in the exercise of facial muscles and it also make brain fresh and active. 2. Laughing or smiling boost up the immune system of the body. Because from this the white blood cells are built in more amount and also secrete different types of hormone. 3. While laughing the body take enough amount of oxygen in. Enough oxygen is essential for lungs, muscles and cells of the body. 4. Laughing represent the positive character. There is big meaning hidden behind the smile and laugh of the people either that may be during the interview for job or in the marriage. Because it reflect the attitude and self confidence of positive personality. It also make the relationships of the people bright and strong enough. 5. Laughing also prevent from anemia. As mentioned above enough oxygen get inside the bodoy while laughing sue to which do not let the level of hemoglobin get low in the blood. 6. Smiling means a lot in expressing undermined sentiment of the people. Sometimes the hidden feeling gets out when you laugh openly. Sometime the hard work also get solved easily when you do it with smile and laugh. 7. Laughing or smiling do not only make your health good but also make effect on the health of other person. The angry perso