Harbin Tiger Park is located on the north bank of the Songhua River to the northwest of Harbin, oc*cupy!ng an area of 1,440,000 square meters (355.8 acres). It is the l@rge$t natural park for wild Siberian tigers in the world. It was built in 1996 to preserve the valuable species of Siberian tigers in 1996. The video shows how the tigers are fe*d there. A truck enters the snowy area. The truck and fully cha!ned and gr!lled for $afety purpose. The tigers gather around the truck like dogs would do after they see their master. The a man opens the door and throw$ two phe@$ant at the tigers. The tigers run after the phe@sant for their meal. The run, jump and sit to c@tch the bird. Two tigers c@tch the birds.
The man again throw$ two birds and the b@ttl*e begins for who gets the meal. A tiger gets so exc!ted that it jumps so high about 20 ft to catch the bird. The birds are thrown until all the tigers are fed. One of the visitors there c@tch the scene on camera. Seeing what was happening the man gets too exc!ted. The tigers too seem very happy and exc!ted about the birds. The Siberian tigers are redd!$h-ru$ty or ru$ty-yellow in color. It has narrow black transver$e $tr!pes. The body length is not les$ than inch. Since they live in a very cold region they have very thick coat of fur.

The man again throw$ two birds and the b@ttl*e begins for who gets the meal. A tiger gets so exc!ted that it jumps so high about 20 ft to catch the bird. The birds are thrown until all the tigers are fed. One of the visitors there c@tch the scene on camera. Seeing what was happening the man gets too exc!ted. The tigers too seem very happy and exc!ted about the birds. The Siberian tigers are redd!$h-ru$ty or ru$ty-yellow in color. It has narrow black transver$e $tr!pes. The body length is not les$ than inch. Since they live in a very cold region they have very thick coat of fur.