Late Prince Dipendra was the son of the Late King Birendra who is was the King of Nepal. He was the to be 13th king of Nepal. It is said that the to be king Prince Dipendra k!ll*ed nine members of his family and himself too. The de@d included King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya, he was in co*m@ after he $ho*t himself and later coll@p$ed. The Nepalese Royal M@$sacre occurred on 1st June 2001 at the Narayanhity Royal Palace where the Royal family res!ded back then. Though the f@ct that Prince Dipendra mur*d
er*ed his family or not is still contr0ver$!al.
In spite the t*err!ble !nc!dent, the royal family really knew how to celebrate. King Birendra and Price Dipendra were very kind hearted people and were very fun loving. As shown in the video Prince Dipendra is singing and dancing with the fel*low members in the typ!c@l Nepali song. These are very r@*re videos where the royal families are seen dancing, singing and having a good time.
er*ed his family or not is still contr0ver$!al.
In spite the t*err!ble !nc!dent, the royal family really knew how to celebrate. King Birendra and Price Dipendra were very kind hearted people and were very fun loving. As shown in the video Prince Dipendra is singing and dancing with the fel*low members in the typ!c@l Nepali song. These are very r@*re videos where the royal families are seen dancing, singing and having a good time.