Monkeys are well known for their notor!ou$ hab!tats. Monkeys are known to be very de$truct!ve in nature and the video prove$ it right.
In the video a puppy is $leeping. The monkey suddenly comes up to it and starts pull!ng its tail. The dog gets @nn0yed and tries to b!te it. But the monkey runs. The dog starts b@rk!ng at him and the monkey @ttack$ the puppy. The dog tries to b!te the monkey and b@rks at it. Whereas the monkey pull$ its tail and be@ts it.
There are people who are enjoying the view. They d!$tr@ct the poor puppy so that the monkey can do its notor!ous de*ed. They b!t!ng , b@rk!ng and pull!ng goes on for couple of minutes. The puppy finally surrender$ and walks off but the monkey st!ll does not le@ve it @lone. It tries to be@t the puppy even after that.
In the video a puppy is $leeping. The monkey suddenly comes up to it and starts pull!ng its tail. The dog gets @nn0yed and tries to b!te it. But the monkey runs. The dog starts b@rk!ng at him and the monkey @ttack$ the puppy. The dog tries to b!te the monkey and b@rks at it. Whereas the monkey pull$ its tail and be@ts it.
There are people who are enjoying the view. They d!$tr@ct the poor puppy so that the monkey can do its notor!ous de*ed. They b!t!ng , b@rk!ng and pull!ng goes on for couple of minutes. The puppy finally surrender$ and walks off but the monkey st!ll does not le@ve it @lone. It tries to be@t the puppy even after that.