Eh Dharahara" and this song is created by Ishwor Khatri in the memory of the fell down of all heritage sites in Nepal through the annihilating earthquake of April 25, 2015. Hey Dharahara, you were at the core of the eyes. You stood up all the ages stretching the head up to the sky. You would safeguard capital valley all the time, you never exhausted and never needed a break. Legendary Bhimsen Thapa had built the beloved monument, today it collapsed to null and its hard to believe with ones eyes. You saw the regime of Ranas autocracy
, fight for democracy, monarchys ruling and you saw beyond republic Nepal. You witnessed all ups and downs to the generations. You witnessed all betrays and conspiracy of power struggles. You knocked down by the quake and turned into ground dust. Worry is all about whether they would be sincere to preserve the history. Wish they would really build you back to your life.
, fight for democracy, monarchys ruling and you saw beyond republic Nepal. You witnessed all ups and downs to the generations. You witnessed all betrays and conspiracy of power struggles. You knocked down by the quake and turned into ground dust. Worry is all about whether they would be sincere to preserve the history. Wish they would really build you back to your life.