Pregnant and need cheering up? We’re often sent pregnancy memes that make us laugh, wince or nod along with. Here are some the funniest, silliest (and in some cases, the most accurate) pregnancy memes out there – perfect for a Friday! *May contain some rudeness, but there isn’t much about pregnancy that should be Too Much Info between friends!Your body goes through quite a lot during pregnancy — to say the least! From that amazing glow to those precious first baby kicks, there’s so much to love about expecting a wee one.
Of course, like any mama-to-be will tell you, there are also those pregnancy symptoms that are far from fabulous (morning sickness, anyone?). While you’re not exactly due for nine months of glam, there are some embarrassing symptom-induced situations that (in time) you can’t help but laugh about. So prep for some comic relief (read: Stay close to the bathroom) and check out these hilarious pregnancy stories.
Of course, like any mama-to-be will tell you, there are also those pregnancy symptoms that are far from fabulous (morning sickness, anyone?). While you’re not exactly due for nine months of glam, there are some embarrassing symptom-induced situations that (in time) you can’t help but laugh about. So prep for some comic relief (read: Stay close to the bathroom) and check out these hilarious pregnancy stories.