Washing face is among the daily activities. But many of us do not know that we are making mistakes in this thing done daily, Are you also making these mistakes while washing face?

1. Never use cleansers that harm skin.
2. Do not over wash face. This affects the skin negatively.
3. Remember it is best to use luke warm water while washing face.
4. Do not keep face wash or soap on face for long time.
5. Never hurry while cleaning your face. Clean your face properly.
6. Never use products that hamper skin even if they look attractive.
7. Dry your face with a soft towel after washing. Rubbing face too much can be fatal.
8. Apply moisturising cream to prevent dryness after washing face.
9. Keep your skin type while buying any kind of face product.
10. It is beneficial to massa
ge face. But only use a appropriate oil for this.

1. Never use cleansers that harm skin.
2. Do not over wash face. This affects the skin negatively.
3. Remember it is best to use luke warm water while washing face.
4. Do not keep face wash or soap on face for long time.
5. Never hurry while cleaning your face. Clean your face properly.
6. Never use products that hamper skin even if they look attractive.
7. Dry your face with a soft towel after washing. Rubbing face too much can be fatal.
8. Apply moisturising cream to prevent dryness after washing face.
9. Keep your skin type while buying any kind of face product.
10. It is beneficial to massa