"Bhuichalo" is a comedy video. The vidoe is really funny and entertaining. We can see Purna Thapa, Rabi Dangol, Palpasa Dangol, Munal Ghimire, Januka K.C, Rajan Thapa, Devika K.C, Kumar Karki, Ramesh K.C. in the video of the song. The video is directed by Purna Thapa and Ravi Dangol. The scenario of the video goes like this, a guy is flirting with his colleague. The girl is saying she wants to go in her own room but the guy insist her to stay with him, in the mean time senior boss comes and he says what you guys are doing here? I am really tired of the way you are performing, why is our office in such a big loss? Watch video to know the program more details…