Form the ancient times the kings and the high class people have been enjoying and praising the talent of dance and music. Kings used to sit and watch girls dance and sing. They used to enjoy it a lot. This was an old tradition and this might be why we love to see dance performances so much.
We love watching dance shows and we also love to dance. It is a normal thing. Even though the forms of dance are changing and getting more erotic like twerking and others there are still forms of dance that represent our emotions and feeling.
This is a video uploaded on the internet by a random channel. In the video it shows a girl dancing and sh@king to an Indian be@t. She is dancing flawle$sly. She dances like a pro. The most amazing part of the performance is the lip sync that she adds to her dance. She is said to be an Indian girl. She is showing off some seductive moves t
o the person filming the video. Her dance looks erotic and amazing.
The video has been uploaded on the internet by an anonymous channel called Shanks Dahal. The video is amazing but inappropriate for some people. The video has been viewed more than 20 thousand times.
We love watching dance shows and we also love to dance. It is a normal thing. Even though the forms of dance are changing and getting more erotic like twerking and others there are still forms of dance that represent our emotions and feeling.
This is a video uploaded on the internet by a random channel. In the video it shows a girl dancing and sh@king to an Indian be@t. She is dancing flawle$sly. She dances like a pro. The most amazing part of the performance is the lip sync that she adds to her dance. She is said to be an Indian girl. She is showing off some seductive moves t
o the person filming the video. Her dance looks erotic and amazing.
The video has been uploaded on the internet by an anonymous channel called Shanks Dahal. The video is amazing but inappropriate for some people. The video has been viewed more than 20 thousand times.