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When Buddhas follower fly

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Gautam buddha is known as the light of Asia. Beofre 2500 years ago when he born and did hard struggle for his enlightment. When sacrifice his whole life for the betterment and for his followers. So he got numbers of his folowers. And he established the religion Buddha Dharma which is being popular in todays world day by day. And his followers are also following his path. In this video here 1 lama is performing his talent which was got by his worship of buddha. When he is remembering to god lord buddha he is flying alittle bit up. for more update you can watch video once. 

The lama is doing this act in Soyambhu Temble near by statue of Buddha that we see in any Buddhist temple today is normally accompanied by the statues of His two great disciples. The one standing at the left side of Buddha’s statue is Maha Mogallan while the one at the right side is Ananda. However this was not the situation when Buddha began propagating Dharma. Not long after Buddha attained enlightenment, Sariputra and Mogallana entered the Sangha and became His attendants. Mogallana always stood on Buddha’s left while Sariputra stood on His right. He is following the same idea.
Lama says Gautama Buddha was alleged to possess superhuman powers and abilities; however, due to an understanding of the workings of the skeptical mind, he reportedly responded to a request for miracles by. He allegedly attained his abilities through deep meditation during the time when he had renounced the world and lived as an ascetic. He supposedly performed such miracles to bring the most benefit to sentient beings and he warned that miraculous powers should not be the reason for practising his path. According to buddha birth is immediately after the birth. so one have to do his or her best as soon as possible. One should think “I am chief of the world, Eldest am I in the world, Foremost am I in the world. This is the last birth. There is now no more coming to be.”

Naturally, a new born child cannot immediately talk; the child requires further development in order to speak fluently. Furthermore, every place the baby Buddha placed his foot, a lotus flower bloomed. Moreover, there is a claim that the Buddha’s birth was miraculous via a dream that his mother saw of a white elephant, whereas the dream is interpreted in the legend as a premonition of a blessing to come; therefore the incident would suggest a Divine birth as opposed to a human birth. According to lama who is the follower of Lord Buddha also applyes the same formula and idea which was released by Lord buddha. 
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