Around 400 shanties in northwest Delhi’s Mangolpuri area were gutted in a major fire that broke out late at night on Sunday. No casualties were reported in the incident but most of the slum dwellers have lost almost all their belongings.The fire broke out at around 1 am but the fire engines reached two hours later, say the residents.”Around 28 fire tenders were rushed to the spot to douse the flames. No casualties have been reported so far. Reason of the fire could not be known,” a fire department official told news agency IANS.The officials are investigating the cause of the fire but say that it got worse after a few LPG cylinders exploded. The fire also destroyed an overhead high-tension electricity line, leading to power disruption in the locality, said a police officer at the spot.
400 slum dwellings destroyed in fire in East Delhi’s Mangolpuri
Posted by Admin
Posted on 19:06
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