Three minor girls from Ranchi were rescued from the clutches of traffickers in Motihari district of Bihar while being taken to Nepal to perform at an orchestra.
While the girls were rescued on Thursday, the fact about them being from Jharkhand was confirmed only after their counselling on Saturday. All the three victims belong to Jagganathpur area of Ranchi and are between 15 to 17 years of age.
The matter came to light after Bharatiya Kisan Sangh (BKS), a Ranchi based NGO, got information about girls being trafficked from Jharkhand to Nepal around two days ago. Director of BKS, Sanjay Mishra said, “We had information that the girls were somewhere in Bihar so we contacted our partner NGO ‘Sakhi’ in Bihar. With the support of Motihari police, they were able to rescue the three girls. However, it was only after counselling on Saturday that we were assured about girls being from Ranchi.”