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Attacking goat of brazil

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We think Goats are simple and they always obey the humans order. But accoring to this video human thought becomes fail. Here in this video the crazy goat is running up and attacking people in the streets. This is so funny. The killer goat is acting just like the ram in the Mountain Dew & Stride commercial with the deadly head butts!! People and vehicles get knocked to the ground by the deadly attack goat. Its name is Billy goat.

This story is from Brazil. Here This crazy goat goes on the rampage, attacking anyone whom it likes and wants. A goat was filmed terrorising residents in Londrina, near Sao Paulo. It butted a woman to the ground and chased a man around a tree. The angry animal also floors a motorcycle and its two riders. A furious goat went on the rampage around a Brazilian town and attacked anyone who dared to cross its path.

The goat was videoed as it butted a motorcycle and its two riders and floored a woman carrying her shopping through the streets. One man, who thought he could beat the goat at its own game, was also knocked to the ground. First of all one women was attacked by this angry goat and serially one by one started to attacks. After then A man flees from the charging animal that terrorised the town.

After then Another resident kicks the goat after it had knocked the woman to the ground. During the confrontation, the man kicks the goat in its side but he is quickly forced to flee as the angry goat chases him around a tree. Even a motorcycle is targeted by the angry goat and pushes it and its two riders over Crash. It seems not funney, but video shooter couldnt find the cause wht the goad did it .
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