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Elephant with coorcidale

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In this video, an elephant gets a nasty surprise when a crocodile snaps its jaw around its trunk as it takes a drink. A giant crocodile appeared to have bitten off more than it could chew when it clamped its jaws around the trunk of an elephant. These incredible photographs captured the moment the four meter reptile was lifted almost clear out of the water as the panicked bull elephant attempted to free himself from its jaws. Elephant had gone for a swim in Sabi Sands Game Reserve, South Africa. As it tried to leave the watering hole the giant crocodile latched on to its trunk.

Eventually, when the crocodile wouldn’t loosen his grip, the elephant slammed him on the ground and put his knee and the full weight of his body, on to the crocodile and then jabbed it with his tusks. The large mammal had been enjoying an afternoon bath with the rest of the herd at a watering hole in the Sabi Sands game reserve in South Africa. But as it tried to leave the water, an enormous crocodile latched onto the animal’s trunk with its sharp jaws. The terrified elephant reared up on its hind legs and trumpeted loudly in fear and pain as it tried to free its trunk. The hungry crocodile was dragged out of the water and into the air as the two animals tussled but it stubbornly refused to let go. Eventually the bull struck the reptile with his knee and stabbed with his tusks to escape its jaws before making a very quick getaway. Ashley Lewis, a 31-year-old fitness marketer, from Michigan US, caught the fierce fight on camera during a trip to the game reserve in December.

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 It was initially hard to make out why, but when he arched his trunk and reared up on his hind legs, it quickly became clear that a crocodile had latched on to his trunk. The elephant reared up and down, taking the crocodile with him as if he was waving around a toy. Eventually, when the crocodile wouldn’t loosen his grip, the elephant slammed him on the ground and put his knee and the full weight of his body, on to the crocodile and then jabbed it with his tusks
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