Tower Climber: A authority of America’s Occupation safety and health administration said that the work of climbing towers made for communication is a very d@ng*erous work. Many workers have lost their lives while making the tower straight and correcting the faults in it. According to the American authority, the work is d@ng*erous because the workers and the, related company do not care about safety. Electrician: The work of electrician is listed as the list of world’s most d@ng*erous works. The work involves working on poles and wired which have high voltage electricity running in them which makes the work even more dangerous. There are records of many workers loosing their lives because of explosion of circuits. Fire f!gh*ter: The work of f!re f!gh*ters is not that easy. The work of the f!gh*ters who always have to stay ready to put down the f!*re that are on high buildings and hard to reach places is also to save the lives of people who are stuck in fire. Fire f!gh*ters r!$k their lives to save people by jumping into fire. Fishing in Alaska: It might sound funny but fishing in Alaska is also a very hard work. Yearly thousands of people who are involved in this work lose their lives. The fish found here are very expensive but the work is also very r!$ky.