The government has formed a four-member probe committee to investigate into the Janakpur incident. The committee would investigate in to the incident of disrespect of the cadres of the Samyukta Loktantrik Madhesi Morcha (SLMM) towards President Bidya Devi Bhandari over her participation in the celebration of the Bibahapanchami festival at Janaki Temple, Dhanusha recently.
The committee is led by joint secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs Binod KC. Similarly, the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Nepal Police Hemanta Bahadur Pal, Armed Police Force DIG Arbinda Dhital and investigation officer Yadulal Kharel are members of the committee.The committee is assigned to submit its report within seven days, said Laxmi Prasad Dhakal, spokesperson at the Ministry.
The committee is led by joint secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs Binod KC. Similarly, the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Nepal Police Hemanta Bahadur Pal, Armed Police Force DIG Arbinda Dhital and investigation officer Yadulal Kharel are members of the committee.The committee is assigned to submit its report within seven days, said Laxmi Prasad Dhakal, spokesperson at the Ministry.