Shah Rukh Khan: It appears Shah Rukh Khan has courted another debate with reports doing the round that the hotshot has made hostile to Modi remarks on Twitter. Buzz on the online networking recommended that King Khan had once said that he will leave India if Narendra Modi gets to be Prime Minister. Then again, citing a performing artist's fan, a Hindustan Times report says that it was not Shah Rukh Khan but rather TV performer Kamaal R Khan who had put forth the expression. It is said that the on-screen character's fan, otherwise known as @TheSRKdisciple, has eliminated any confusion air and said that it was Kamaal Khan attempting to increase political mileage utilizing Shah Rukh's notoriety. The report says that Kamaal Khan is utilizing abbreviated form of his name KRK, and individuals have gotten him mistaken for SRK. Truth be told Shah Rukh has likewise denied tweeting any hostile to Modi battl
Shah rukh khan Actors who have made Anti-Modi remarks
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Posted on 01:05
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Shah Rukh Khan: It appears Shah Rukh Khan has courted another debate with reports doing the round that the hotshot has made hostile to Modi remarks on Twitter. Buzz on the online networking recommended that King Khan had once said that he will leave India if Narendra Modi gets to be Prime Minister. Then again, citing a performing artist's fan, a Hindustan Times report says that it was not Shah Rukh Khan but rather TV performer Kamaal R Khan who had put forth the expression. It is said that the on-screen character's fan, otherwise known as @TheSRKdisciple, has eliminated any confusion air and said that it was Kamaal Khan attempting to increase political mileage utilizing Shah Rukh's notoriety. The report says that Kamaal Khan is utilizing abbreviated form of his name KRK, and individuals have gotten him mistaken for SRK. Truth be told Shah Rukh has likewise denied tweeting any hostile to Modi battl