quake occurs, it gives the information .This information send our server ', elanale said,' No, we can say the earthquake is coming from the server. In addition, he also reveals that some powerful earthquake came before the deadlock, saying, 'In the future we can alert them by sending this information to their users, out of the house before squaring earthquakes information or other general agitation of yo app to walk the vibration and vibration bhukampapako is designed to be able to distinguish. Dangerous manner from the bustling center of the field, beginning with the largest earthquake baninasakna does take some time. Meanwhile, this app is no facile ate to that of a man is told. Allen says, "Some sekendaka warning is everything, that you cast during the earthquake, and is sufficient for the protection of life. "Obviously, this epabata range of 10 kilometers skelasammako five Richter earthquake is able to give information. According to the Berkeley scientists sismolojikala lyabrotarika Moved killed in the last of this app can bring the number of at least 50 per cent.