Garlic is taste enhancer in the cuisine of Asian countries and mostly used too. Most people use only with the spices in the food. But it is equally beneficial as medicine.
Its smell is very sharp and pungent flavor. Garlic has antibiotic called Allium which is very beneficial in prevention of diseases. Taking garlic regularly reduce and also prevent from boll pressure. Gastritis trouble and acidity is very beneficial use in complaining.
If the day regularly eat garlic to five buds reduces the chances of getting cardiovascular disease. This grinding paste on the skin to kill venomous bites or stings from insects decreases irritation. Winter colds and so it acts like a panacea. Garlic garlic intake in arthritis and other joint diseases is very profitable. It is believed that the human teeth, meat and nail hair, and color are not weak. It kills intestinal worms and eliminates cough.
The garlic delete constipation and eye ailments believed to have been overcome. Two buds of garlic fry the cumin and fennel Sandha white powder mixed with salt to make it. Always take garlic with hot water in the morning on an empty stomach. Should eat garlic sauce and crushed garlic mixed with a drink of water not only enhances the taste of the food but also for the body works like a medicine. Protein, vitamins, minerals, salts and phosphorous, iron and vitamins A, B and C are found.
Its smell is very sharp and pungent flavor. Garlic has antibiotic called Allium which is very beneficial in prevention of diseases. Taking garlic regularly reduce and also prevent from boll pressure. Gastritis trouble and acidity is very beneficial use in complaining.
If the day regularly eat garlic to five buds reduces the chances of getting cardiovascular disease. This grinding paste on the skin to kill venomous bites or stings from insects decreases irritation. Winter colds and so it acts like a panacea. Garlic garlic intake in arthritis and other joint diseases is very profitable. It is believed that the human teeth, meat and nail hair, and color are not weak. It kills intestinal worms and eliminates cough.
The garlic delete constipation and eye ailments believed to have been overcome. Two buds of garlic fry the cumin and fennel Sandha white powder mixed with salt to make it. Always take garlic with hot water in the morning on an empty stomach. Should eat garlic sauce and crushed garlic mixed with a drink of water not only enhances the taste of the food but also for the body works like a medicine. Protein, vitamins, minerals, salts and phosphorous, iron and vitamins A, B and C are found.