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Nepali comedy video: Halka Ramailo 107

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Nepali comedy videos are getting viral on the internet nowadays. A channel on YouTube Magnebudo might be among the most popular channels to upload Nepali comedy videos. The channel with almost 20 thousand subscribers is very popular for its typical Nepali comedy videos.
It has uploaded a new comedy video which is truly h!lar!ous. In the beginning of the video, 2 girls get into a house and call for their friend. The friend calls them upstairs and they go up. They had a plan to go to watch a movie that day. But the girl says she does not want to go and looks very upset. The friends ask what the matter was but she does not say anything. Her friends force her and she finally speaks up.

She says that she is afraid of go out of her house because a man is following her everywhere. According to her the man followed her when she was going out of her house and even followed her while getting back to home. She says that she even tried complaining the police. Then she says that one day the man came in front of her and held her hands.
Her friends get excited and ask if he proposed her? The girl replies, ‘It would had been good if he would have proposed me but he asked to get my life insured.’
The surrounding turns very funny and hilarious after that. This video has been viewed more than 25 thousand times and is very hil*ar!ous. The video shows that there is no limit for insurance companies to make people buy their insurance policy.
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