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The 15 benefits of papaya

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On the tree of papaya there is found some medicinal feature. From the ancient time papaya leaf is been used to clean the wound and pain. The root of this has the power to bring the urine. Papaya contains carotene which make vitamin-a in the body. This also contains potassium and it also helps in digestion. This is very beneficial for the different parts of the body. Here are the 15 benefits of papaya.papaya1 1. Skin: Papaya is very good for skin, this can be used as face pack. This k!lls the bacteria and the burn in the face. Papaya which is done fermentation gives the new life to the skin and brings the glow.. It is also good for wound. 2. Cholesterol This contains fiber and decreases the blood cholesterol. The enzyme on it stops the cholesterol which prevents from heart attack. 3. Wrinkle The antioxidant of papaya gives rid from wrinkles. This will make people young. 4. Problem of stomach The seed of papaya is used as the medicine for the stomach problem. This k!lls the living organism inside the body. 5. Constipation It is the good medicine for constipation. This helps to digest food in natural way. 6. Anus problem The juice of papaya helps to remove the contamination on anus. But for the treatment you need to use this regularly. 7. Reduce weight This contains high nutrition and nill calorie so this will be good for the people who wants to reduce weight. 8. Morning vomiting Pregnant women feels like vomiting early in the morning. Eating small piece of papaya on the morning will reduce this problem. 9. Bones and joints This contains enzymes which reduces the pain this is beneficial for arthritis and osteoporosis patient. This also has the power to fight against cancer. 10. Immunization power This is filled with vitamin-a and vitamin-c, this increases the immunization power. This will be beneficial for the patient with common cold, fever.
11. Shampoo The shampoo that contains papaya is beneficial for dandruff. 12. Irregular menstruation Eating papaya regularly will make the menstruation regular. 13. Liver cancer This protects the liver and makes delay on growing the cancer. 14. Contraceptive One of the study has shown that this has the contraceptive power. So male who eats papaya will not have the power of reproduction on their sperms. 15. Kidney problem Poison may damage the kidney and the papaya will bring it to the same old condition. The antioxidant helps from kidney fail.
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